Armstrong Campus Arboretum Now Has Map and Database

Did you know that one of our campuses is officially an arboretum? The Georgia Southern University Armstrong Campus Arboretum is a treasure of calm inside the busy southside Savannah area. 

The arboretum encompasses the entire 268-acre Armstrong campus and displays a wide variety of shrubs and other woody plants. Several major plant collections have been established including a Fern Garden, a Ginger Garden, a White Garden, an International Garden and a Primitive Garden. 

Of special interest are a Reference Conifer Garden—designated by the American Conifer Society and a Camellia Garden, on the official Camellia Society’s Camellia Trail, 

A project to create a comprehensive map and database of the Arboretum’s plant inventory is nearly complete. 

“It’s been a kind of an ongoing project. And it’s also constantly moving. I mean we’re always adding things and removing things,” said Philip Schretter, grounds superintendent and director of the Armstrong Arboretum.

“Botanists and taxonomists don’t always completely agree on things. Plant names change. So when we go through and map the plants, we have to go back and do research to make sure that we have the most current name for the plants,” said Schretter.

Plant locations are mapped and incorporated into a GIS map of the campus with an accompanying database containing plant name, family and native range. The searchable map and plant inventory are included on the Arboretum’s web page at You can also read or download the most recent newsletter, Arboretum News.

The Armstrong Campus Arboretum is open to the public seven days a week during daylight hours.